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Different Types Of Preventive Car Servicing Tasks To Consider In Dandenong

The term “Preventative car maintenance” says for itself; it plays an important role to protect your car from costly car servicing in the future by fixing small glitches early. As a car owner, the most important thing you can do to improve the efficiency of your car is to opt for preventive maintenance. Car preventative maintenance incorporates inspections and repairs that prevent major problems, such as lubrication, wheel adjustments, oil change, testing, cleaning and replacement of damaged parts.

Generally, there are two categories of auto owners – Reactive and Proactive. So, the reactive owner will enter the auto care service station only when there is a breakdown in their vehicle. Being reactive can be more expensive and sometimes it can put holes in your pockets when there is complete vehicle failure. And, proactive owners are those who will follow the auto care preventative maintenance schedule based on the time or the mileage.

Picking the certified car mechanic in Dandenong and auto care preventive tasks

Choosing a highly professional and licensed car mechanic for preventive auto care servicing is very important…BECAUSE they create a protective shell to keep you and your family safe during their travel in the car. When you hire them, they feel their responsibility to offer you safe, quick and economical car servicing. In this blog, we have compiled five types of preventive tasks which are performed by the car experts and cheap car service professionals in Dandenong. Have a look-
1. Oil Changes
The oil change is essential to keep your car engine running smoothly. Thick oil or oil with impurities will infect your vehicle components. Usually, the oil should be changed every 3,000- 10,000 miles. Your car mechanic will do it for you as a part of preventative maintenance.
2. Fluid & Belt Inspection
A car mechanic will perform a detailed inspection on your car to check your fluids including-
  • Transmission Fluid
  • Wiper fluid
  • Antifreeze/ Coolant
  • Power Steering
The mechanic will check your timing and serpentine belt. Most cars need these belts replaced every 60,000- 40,000 miles respectively. Your car manual will provide you a specific range for your car and if you avoid preventative maintenance on these, you will soon face a major car break down. Furthermore, these belts can damage other areas of the car as well.
3. Filters Change
When you find a suitable car mechanic near me, he will check how dirty the air filter is. Ideally, the engine’s air filter needs to be replaced as per the mileage. The factors like the type of driving you to do and the locations where you usually drive affect the filter change conditions. If you want to save your car from a sudden breakdown, you should opt for preventive car maintenance. 
4. Wheels Alignment
Over time, the way that you drive your car in Dandenongcan cause the wheels to move from their original location. If your car wheels are not properly aligned, it could cause issues with your steering. So, here, you need to behave as a proactive car owner and choose a preventive car servicing option. The professionals and experienced car technicians change your tires and check the alignment to ensure that everything is sitting properly on your car. 
5. Inspect & Clean the Battery
Inspecting and cleaning the car battery is also a part of preventive car maintenance. Certified car experts in Dandenong will inspect the car battery properly and notice if there is any mineral collected on the contacts. They will clean it with a battery cleaning brush. 
If you want to save a lot of time and money on costly car repair in the future, you should choose a professional and specialized preventive auto care center near your area. 


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